Le bottin francophone des
professionnels de la psychologie


Coronavirus outbreak: soothe the anxiety, find serenity, make something out of this hardship or containment. Sessions by phone or video.
Services en Français: Valérie Joubert, Psychothérapeute & Psychologue, Strasbourg, Fr..

Valérie Joubert
Psychotherapist, Psychologist
Association Européenne de Thérapeutes Psycho-corporels et Relationnels

En Alsace
4, rue de la 1ère armée, 67000, Strasbourg, France (Bas-Rhin)
Phone : 06 95 37 60 32 

0 Email: cabvvbsjoubert@yahoo.fr    


Books ans documents … a short bibliography

Here are some books that have nourished my practice and may inspire you.
(For students who contact me for their studies: see below more specific readings.)

For everybody (including students!):

Violence and trauma:

Peter Levine:
"In an unspoken voice, How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness," 2010.

About the roots of our traumas, of violence: 

Alice Miller:
- Breaking Down the Wall of Silence: The Liberating Experience of Facing Painful Truth, 1997
- "For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence," 1983 
- "Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society's Betrayal of the Child," 1984 
- "Banished Knowledge: Facing Childhood Injuries," 1991
- The Truth Will Set You Free: Overcoming Emotional Blindness," 2001
- "Free from Lies: Discovering Your True Needs," 2009

Olivier Maurel
“Spanking, Questions and Answers about Disciplinary Violence,” 2005
- www.nospank.net/sp-qadv.htm 

For parents:

Isabelle Filliozat, “Understanding the Emotions of Children,” 2013. This book helps in understanding children’s emotions: our children, and/or the child we were.

Jesper Juul, “Your Competent Child,” 2001. A Danish family therapist, Juul, insists on parent responsibility, shows the difference between self-esteem (knowing that our value exists just because we exist) and confidence (a consciousness of our competencies) and how this impacts our life and our learning process;;he recommends equidignity, the respect of personal limits of each member of the family and authentic relationships.

Jesper Juul, “Here I Am! Who Are You? Resolving Conflicts Between Adults and Children”, 2012.

For students, but everybody else as well:

“A Secure Base : Parent-Child Attachment and Healthy Human Development” by John Bowlby 1988. This book is about the lack of love and of care, the abuse children can experience and the consequences it has on them as children but also later as adults; it explains different ways of handling these problems, through psychoanalysis and the theory of attachment. 
“Lying on a couch” by Irvin Yalom (1997), a New York psychoanalyst full of humanity, is entertaining, while tackling questions of psychology and psychotherapy; a very good no-blood thriller!
“Love’s Executioner”, also by Irvin Yalom (2012) reports sessions with patients.

Songs for children (in French). The following songs, inspired by the everyday life of children, are full of poetry, humour, joy, and hope.

- “C'est très bien," by Tartine Reverdy.
- "Phonétines," by D. Valls.
- Pierre Chêne, for example: 
- www.musicme.com/#/Pierre-Chene/albums/J%27ai-Des-Idees-Sous-Ma-Casquette-3700368464496.html

- For parent-child relationships: 
“Like Father, Like Son” explores what it means to be a father, and a mother, though the central character is a father. It also explores what filiation is, and what secure attachment is.
“Me, Myself and Mum” explores how our loving relationships are influenced by the relationship with our parents; this film is a touching testimony.

- For those who enjoy colours, flavours, social and geographical mixtures:
“The Lunchbox” is a delightful film that opens up your heart and your appetite.


Academic education

  • Master’s degree in psychology, Université de Paris VIII, Paris, France

  • Bachelor’s degree in English language, Université de Strasbourg, France

  • Master’s degree I in journalism, Université de Strasbourg, France

Practical training

  • Training in Dynamical Neurofeedback 

  • Training in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), with Matrix Reimprinting

  • Trained as a bodymind psychotherapist at the Institute for Training in Communication and Therapy (IFCC), Strasbourg, France

  • Trained as a gestalt-therapist at the School of Gestalt and Experiential Teaching of Paul Rebillot, San Francisco, United States

Professional associations

  • Member of the European association of relational and bodymind therapists (AETPR)

  • Registered with the French federation of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis (FF2P)

Theoretical orientation: 

  • Humanist

Bodymind techniques:

Psychological services offered

  • Individual sessions

  • Couple sessions (therapy, marriage guidance)

  • Family sessions and therapy

  • Group therapy


  • Adults, Teenagers, Children, Families, Friends…

Spoken languages: 

  • French, English, Spanish

Research and interests in psychology

  • Traumatism, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): fragility factors and resources for recovery. 

  • Trauma treatment, with several tools from Gestalt therapy and the approaches of Peter Levine, of Muriel Salmona and of Pat Ogden, grounded in the physiology of trauma, and accompanied by EFT.

  • Emotions: How can we let them be without being overcome by them? Being at peace with our emotions.

  • Body and psychotherapy: the body's memory and its power. Because the body remembers, protects, prevents and allows, it is worthwhile exploring he link between our body, emotions and expression.

  • Relational difficulties, relational competencies: how to use the resources of communication and soothing emotions to unbind negative automatic behaviours.

  • Stress, anxiety, and depression.

  • Health psychology: the sick body, the suffering body, healing the body.

  • Separation and grieving.

  • Violence, aggressiveness, anger, and repressed emotions.

  • Phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorders stemming from anxieties and fears that we never expressed nor discharged and that manifest themselves in uncontrollable symptoms.

  • Existential crises, life stages and changes, ill-being and wellbeing throughout marriage, divorce, moving, birth of children, loss of close friends or relatives…

  • Choosing and shaping one’s orientation in work relationships: hierarchies, colleagues, peers, managers. What boundaries? Which contacts and contracts? How to know and invest ones strengths, contribute fruitfully and achieve professional fulfilment?

  • Couples: love, respect, sharing, limits, contract, splitting up or staying together, choosing to be dependant, co-dependant, independent, or interdependent. Couples therapy, marriage and family counselling.

  • Parents and children: grounding authority in trust, to be earned and kept alive. Violence between parents and children: What contract should they build with each other? And with society? In new families, how to ensure space and participation for each member?

  • Children: accompanying and supporting their development. Tools: playing, drawing, dialogue. Positive parenting.

  • Motherhood, fatherhood: to be – or not to be – a parent.

  • Attachment. We need nourishing ties. But these ties must be healthy and help us reach balance. And how can we untie ties that bind when necessary? We can go back to the source of our first attachments and heal them to open up to balanced relationships.

  • Addiction -- to a person, substance, or behaviour -- a symptom of deep traumas that need healing.

  • Incest, paedophilia. Treating such traumas involves talking about them in a safe environment and being supported to heal.

  • Ageing: beyond appearances. What transformations do we experience? What transformations do we desire? Sometimes we fear ageing because we feel we have not fully lived a period of our life. What do we want to accomplish in this getting older? Do we want to pass on something? What meaning do we want to give to our life, more than ever?

  • Roots: mother language and adopted language, motherland and land of exile, adoptive homeland. Whether feeling exiled in one’s own land or too deeply ingrained, what place do we want, among others and with them? Exploring social origins and social trajectory, finding people to belong to and peace in our ties.

  • Dealing with children. Children may reawaken aching knots or question what we learnt as ready-made truths. We can feel destabilized. This is an opportunity to seize to understand more about ourselves, clarify the situation, and distinguish the weight of the past from the current situation. Healing from our past allows us to redirect naturally our path through life.

Visiteurs: 10384  08 juin 2015 

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